Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Row 2,000 Meters

The most awful WOD there is that is 8 minutes or less.


  1. What a WOD to come back to. We went up to Atlanta to visit some friends and go to the Zoo, Aquarium and botanical gardens. This off my PR by 12 seconds. I went out too fast.
    500m pace
    1:49.2, 1:59.4, 2:06.9, 1:59.0
    TT 7:54.6
    At least I broke 8 minutes.

  2. There you go Dave! Not sure what the good strategy is for this... start out as hard as you can never seemed to work, so I just went for feel. Got 7:22.7. My PR once upon time was 7:09.8. I looked on the Concept 2 site and for guys 42-44 the average is 7:43.2 (the 50th precentile) and the 75th percentile is 7:11.5 so I'd guess I am somewhere in the 65th percentile. As always, an asskicker. Oh, in a warmup sprint I got the pace down to 1:22.... so the power is still there, just not the lungs. Need to row more. The season record (2015) in the C2 logbook for guys my age is 6:15??!!!?

  3. You guys are PRO's!! my 1st time to do this butt kicker and I landed at 8:09.5 Only way to go from here is UP!! Sub 8's here I come!

  4. Correction, my PR was 7:10.1. This was my slowest recorded 2K, I guess I am getting old. Last one I did 7:19.5.

  5. First 500m felt good (1:54), middle two sections were a struggle, and I caught some mojo thinking about getting it over with the last 500m. TT 7:55.4.


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