Thursday, March 5, 2015

4 RFT 25 hip extensions and 400m runs


  1. I combined yesterdays and today's, kind of. 4 RFt of 400M runs, 25 back extensions (not hip, didn't read it correctly), and 25 GHD sit ups. Also, my GHD situps are to just below parallel. 2:30 min break before last run, Evan had to use the bathroom. He is 6 and I like when he runs at the same time as me so I can watch him.
    TT 20:01.04

  2. I did this RX'd, but first, since it had been so long, I went to the site to watch the videos. The hip extension is the move I always do instead of back extensions, which are more of a snaking movement.

    I weighed myself this AM and I am 10 lbs more than I should be. A little too much celebrating lately I guess.... so I am resolved to lose 10 ASAP. Therefore, I hit this one hard. Did 500M rows for the runs, and never paced. All sets of HE's were unbroken, and rowing was out for blood at all times, as least as good as I could. TT 11:27. Tomorrow rest, Tuesday will hit up Bowen. Already looking forward to it.

  3. I mixed this one up too. Did 20 back extension and12 GHD sit-ups. I only timed the runs cause I did the others for form, slow and painful.


    Found some emotional content to run with in round four.

  4. Ok,4 rounds for time, did it in 12:58. Subbed 500M rows for the run and 30 air squats for hip extensions.

  5. I did 4 sets of 500M rows and 25 BEs, time was 14:00


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