Sunday, March 1, 2015



  1. Butchered this one due to my tweakages. Did 77 mountain climbers (each leg, so 154 total)... this is an unpleasant and certainly fair sub. Man those suck at that volume. Took about 2 1/2 minutes usually. For SC&J's did 100 lbs x4 reps.

    Bench did unbroken RX'd, then 4 rounds + CTBs + 42 mountain climbers for the AMRAP.

  2. Oh, MC's were a sub for the DUs... DUs are done for me. Make my knee swell up too much.

  3. Josh did 13 115#benches, then for the AMRAP did MCs instead of DUs, band-assisted PUs, and 65# SC&Js.

    Completed 3 rounds + pullups + MCs + SC&Js + 13 sit-ups.

  4. No bench, so I did 30 deficit push ups(hands on 35# plates) wearing a 20# vest then as rx'd: 4 rounds + CTB + 22 DU

  5. No bench so I subbed a run and push ups. AMRAP I went 5 rounds plus c2b and 27 dus . I did the clean, squat thrusters at 115#s.


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