Saturday, July 4, 2015

4th of July: Hotshots 19


  1. Picked a hero WOD that would work given the number of people we had today (5 women, 5 men) so I went back to August 30, 2013 and redid Hotshots 19, from here:

    I remember how gnarly it was. I scaled to 115 back then. This time I did it RXd and I did it two minutes faster. TT 38:16. So that's pretty cool. I like power cleans... but 114 of them is quite a few. I feel all messed up.

  2. This was a tough one. did the 1st round with 95 lbs and then moved to 105 lbs for rounds 2-5. TT was 38:27

  3. I finished this one in 36:50 beginning with 95# I think and then down to 75# for rounds 4-6. Those weights could be off only coach Fletcher knows for sure. I also ran instead of rowing. There were 6 rounds right?


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