Saturday, July 11, 2015

Front Squat Ladder


  1. Just got home from 5 days in CB... lots of hiking and bike rides, so my legs were smoked, so why not do some front squats. We did some good warmup stuff too, a bit of rowing, some Tabata, etc.

    Worked up to 210x5, wasn't too tough. Finished with 175x10... not too bad. Then did a couple of reps of 210 with a 2-3 second pause at the bottom of the stroke, like hold the squat position, then up. That was interesting.

  2. 10x95 / 7X115 / 5x135 / 5x135 / 7x125 / 10x115

  3. 10x95 - 7x115 - 5x135 - 5x135 - 7x135 - 10x135
    Form is getting better, hopefully will start to see gains in weight on all my squat exercises!


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