Monday, March 5, 2012

10 minutes of C and J and rope climbing


  1. Hey guys. Killer day in the gym this morning. Buddy Heath came over.. we did this:

    Ab Ripper X (P90X core video, 16 minutes)
    1 minute on, 1 minute off, max rep back squats for 6 minutes alternating (so we each did 3 minutes). I used 155 and did 20, 18, and 16 reps.

    Rest 3 minutes, then today's WOD... but subbed 5 VERY strict slow motion pullups for RC's (like hanging there for a couple of seconds fully stretched out, then up, no leg movement). Scaled C and J's to 155. I got 8 rounds + 1 C and J (had 7 seconds left, had to get in one more!).

    Totally toasted.

    Big news for the Fletcher Garage Gym. I am in the middle of an expansion project,. Wait til you see the new project" I am cutting a 4 by 4 foot hole in the garage ceiling up against the wall, and building it up to a total height of 15 feet… that way we can learn to do full length rope climbs, do wall balls as high as you want, and have another set of rings and maybe another pullup bar if I can figure out how to do that and make it "quick release" so I can move it out of the way for the other moves. Now THAT, is my kind of party.

  2. Did this one last night as Rx'ed on C&J's and 8 cross-handed PU's alternating grip with each rep. C&J's were tough. I only failed at 185 one time, so that was good. However, I only did 6 reps, so that wasn't so good.

    Total = 3 rounds


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