Sunday, March 25, 2012

OHS 3-3-3-3-3-3


  1. Did a little oly lifting variation to start this out. Snatch pull, hang power snatch then OHS x 3. Worked up to 155. Put the bar in the reack and got 170x2 and missed at 185. My shoulders were fried from 12.5. Then did some heavier pulls and called it a day.

  2. I went mountain biking up the steepest ass mountain along the front range here.... .good ol' Mt. Falcon. What a brutal climb. 1,250 feet of gain in 2.6 miles, and plenty of rocky technical terrain as well. My time sucked, but it was my first ride since like October. Heart rate was around 150-165 the whole hour. I can't tell you guys how stoked I am about the garage gym now. It's my favorite part of the house! Gonna submit a garage gym tour for the main site soon.... I just have to show Crossfit world my crazy rope climb chute. Start a "hack up your garage" revolution :-)


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