Thursday, March 22, 2012

CrossFit Games Open 12.5


  1. Tough WOD. I got through 15 Thrusters and 6 C2B's as the timer went off. Nice little lung & throat burner

  2. Hey there fellars, I did the DBSC thrusters + pullups WOD today instead and a ton of rope climbs. I can do them to 15 feet now, figured it out. STOKED! I missed a lot of WODs.

  3. Did a house demolition night last night instead of going to the gym. I got my last wrecking day mess cleared up, one layer of flooring tore up and put in the back of the truck, along with one complete wall of sheet rock. Just have one more good night of deconstruction to go before I think I'm ready for rebuilding to start. Of course, that means I have to get my old truck running again to take it to the dump before I can get more stuff out. will all get finished sooner or later.

    And, I'm off to see Ma this weekend. So, it'll be a fight with the wood pile tomorrow.

    Have a good weekend. Later fellas.

  4. Missed my score from last year by one stupid rep. 84. Did this on Friday and pull a lat muscle on the third thruster so there was no chance of redoing it today.

  5. I got 84. Through 15 thrusters and then 9 CTB. Ouch.

  6. Broke this one out today, I got through 15 thrusters and 8 pull-ups. Tough 7 minutes.


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