Sunday, March 18, 2012

3RFT 500m/20GHD/2rope


  1. Sup bitches. I got in a little run yesterday, about 2.5mi, and got back on mainsite today with this WOD. I don't have a rope so I did 10/10 PU/KTE for those. I liked this one but my gut won't tomorrow.

    TT 15:20

  2. What's up Chas! Good to see you back. I don't have a rower so I subbed 50 SDHP's each round. I did 10 strict pull-ups for the rope climbs. Couple subs but still a good workout.

    TT: 14:48

  3. Good to see you back Chas! I subbed three legless as to 9' rope climbs, otherwise as rx'd. 14:45. It was a gasser even with the short breaks to allow forearms to recover on rope climbs.

  4. Guys it is unbelievable... I have been totally congested with green phlegm bugars coming out of my lungs for like 9 days... Oh how I wish it were not so. However, my garage project should be done this week. Gonna have a 15 foot high shoot for wall balls as high as I want, full rope climbs, and another long pair of hanging rings. Will post pics soon.

  5. Craig have you been to the doctors?

  6. Man do I have some work to do on rope climbs. I did it RX'd except the RC's.. for those I did 3 reps of "best effort"... which usually meant about 12 feet off the ground. I am really excited now that I can do pretty much anything RX'd, or at least I have the gear to try. My thinking is that because of my back, I can't lift heavy, so I want to enable myself to do as much functional stuff as I can, including all things body weight. RC's and MU's are my next hurdle, and they are big hurdles. Ordered some long straps from, they should be here any day. Also got a second pair of rings, wooden ones. They feel so good in the hands. That's what gymnasts use, and that's what they reccomend for MUs. Fun stuff... having more and more friends over for WODs as well.

    Oh ya, this WOD went about 16 minutes even. Lots of wasted time in the rope area. Hard shit.


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