Thursday, March 8, 2012

CrossFit Games Open 12.3

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 24" box
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar


  1. Well, I almost didn't make it through this one. My back, on the 2nd set of PP's about gave out. If this was a seated press, no problem, but damn these lower compression exercises! I had to scale it back to 90# which, after that, I had to slow it down. I did however end up with 5 full rounds and 15 box jumps. Again, forearms and hands are shaking after this one. I couldn't imagine doing 13 rounds as in the WOD demo. Enjoy!!

  2. Tough WOD and a tough cycle.

    As RX'd: 6 Rounds + 8 BJ's

    Happy tomorrow is a rest day, my body needs a break.

  3. I couldn't agree more with needing a break. My legs and back have been sore since Tuesday.

    As Rx'ed: 5 rounds

    Box jumps killed me. The other stuff wasn't so bad, but bj's took forever. Anyway, looking forward to getting out of town for the weekend. Later fellas.

  4. 5 rounds 15 box jumps and seven or so push presses I don't remember. 203 total reps. Doing a hero wod on tuesday rx'd was a not very good game plan for trying ot score good here.

  5. Great work everyone! Last week was def' brutal.
    I checked out the WOD for today and I'm done for a bit with heavy lower back lifts. I may be able to again one day, but not today. Did Insanity cardio today. That shit is nutz!! Enjoy the weekend!

  6. Fine work fellas. Went to Vail for a work event, snowboarded HARD yesterday... was on the very last chair. Legs are nice and sore today. Today walked miles with the kids, went to a park, climbed around on rocks, then went to ANOTHER park later in the day. Will be back on the WODs tomorrow.

  7. Hey dudes... made this one up, gotta get in all the games WODs! I scaled the PP to 95 lbs cos' my shoulder still has sharp pains. RX'd otherwise. I was really moving here...

    8 rounds + 15 BJ's. I think that is 303 reps. Totally smoked me. Love it.

    I think I am going to sell my motocross bike that I never ride and get a road bicycle that I will ride a lot. Lots of friends into it... good cardio and good to get outside and ride.

    Did a 15' rope climb during warmup. I am getting slight better at them but they are a bitch. Getting pretty good at making a stirrup with my feet between pulls. That is the key.


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