Monday, March 26, 2012

21-15-9 Back squats and KBS


  1. My body wanted nothing to do with back squats so I scaled to 185 and even that was a struggle. Everything else RX'd

    TT: 10:44

    My back tightened up something fierce midway through the round of 15. It was painful to finish.

  2. My zip ties kept breaking so I could not turn my 50# homemade kettlebell into the 75#er this moring, so I did the squats rx'd to a dynamax ball and I did 30,21,15 with the 50#er. TT: 10:01. That is going to hurt my legs!

  3. I did the baby version of this cos' the ol' back... 150 lbs BS and 54 lb KBS. TT 6:17 reflects the scaling! Did this a couple of hours after the games WOD.

    Even with the BS scaled so wimpy it still hurt good... I went for speed.

    Justin Kallal is one strong bastard. Did I ever mention that? Justin, you trying to make any babies yet? :-)

  4. Did this as Rx'ed last night. Had a goal of 10 minutes and made it...just barely.

    TT = 10:02
    Just one breather too many.

    I made the turn going into the 3rd round with 8:40 on the clock. Took a standing rest in the last round of squats and went unbroken on the last 9 kbs. Lower back and ass were super tight from about the end of the first round on.

    Laid on the ground in CF Angel pose for a good minute or two after finishing.

    On this one, I found it hard to focus on strict form in a relatively heavy, fairly slow lift; yet do it as fast as I can.


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