Thursday, December 13, 2012

Ascending Med Ball Cleans and Rope Climbs


  1. This was a brutal bastard. My med ball cleans were from the floor, pick up to clean and go down to ass below knees, then stand it all the way up to full hip extension. So pretty much two deep squats PER rep. Nasty. I also got a bad case of rope stare a few times. But I didn't fail any rope climbs, had to really gut out those last few.

    RX'd 19:35

  2. This was a mental battle. I had to get myself back on the ball and rope before I felt ready about 15 times... I really wanted sub 20 so I paced for that.

  3. Fletcher, nice time. I think 10 med ball cleans is a great fun warm up, and set of 50 is pure torture to start a wod. I did my legless 9' touch ass start climbs. Problem was I lacked the strenght on the last five reps to skip over the through bolts and touch the ceiling, so I had to decide wait two minutes per climb or keep going. I kept going and finished in 18:52, but I give the win to Fletcher cause my reps didn't count.

  4. Nice time!! I don't know man... those legless from ass are brutal. Can't call this one though, we need a judge standing there watching those Med Ball cleans. :-)


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