Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Zercher squat 2x10


  1. This was silly painful. I am wearing a sweatshirt in the video, not because I am a pussy, well kind of, but it was only 28 degrees in the gargage gym. All I can say is 205 pretty much so hurt as much as 285. I was done at 285, casue I was literally done, and I needed to step on my two 10# plates to get the bar high enough to unload onto the rack!


    It is a weird lift, you have to squeeze your arms so hard it feels like an eye might pop out of your head.

  2. Dude that is awesome! Thanks for posting a video!

  3. All I can say is keep adding weight. It hurts like hell but it is probably easier on the legs that a front squat, not obviously easier on your poor arms.


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