Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3


  1. 135x3/155x3/165x3/175x3/185x3/195x3/205x3/215x3/225/1

  2. I got the stomach flu... had it Sunday night through mid-day yesterday. Felt mostly better today... I am at the Venetian in Vegas, they actually have a pretty good gym here. I made something up a bit Angie-like. Their pullup bar is a typical globo gym deal... perpendicular or wide grip with foam padding, a real pain in the ass.

    I did this, took about 25 or 26 minutes

    50 strict pullups with weird pullup bar (sucked)
    100 pushups
    100 situps (first 40 were butterfly, that sucked, then switched to anchored feet under dumbbells)
    50 front squats wqith 75 pound globo gym bar thing
    50 kettle bell swings, 55 pounder

    OK, back to the conference... traveling home tomorrow... probably can't WOD. We'll see

  3. 125x3,135x3,145x3,155x3,165x3,175x3,185x3,195x1

  4. I did 5's until the last round....

    135x5-165x5-185x5-205x5-215x3... damn near got that fourth one.

    Warmup was 50 burpees in 3:53.


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