Saturday, June 8, 2013

20 min AMRAP 5 HSPUs, 7 CTB's, 35 lb DB Snatches


  1. Hey guys. One of my WOD buddies mom died a few days ago, so we wanted to do a WOD for her. We did the Filthy Fifty, I got a PR by 59 seconds. 24:59. I broke the 25 minute barrier barely! I wasn't even watching the clock... I just looked up and the clock said 24:59.

    The difference was probably the DU's, they only took like 75 seconds or so. Man that WOD is devastating. The WB's and the burpees are the killer. I did the PP's and KBS unbroken, that helped. WB's tool like 4-5 sets. Burpees were just a hard core grind.

  2. I am fat and old and slow. "Run" 13.1 in 2hr 23min. Just didn't get the time I needed to train for it.

  3. Went back and did this one this morning... had 5 of us out there. Got 9 rounds + 2 HSPUs at the buzzer. Fun times.


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