Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Run 400M
185# Back Squat 24 reps
135# Jerk 24 reps


  1. When they say jerk, do they mean a push jerk?

  2. Dave, they don't really specify so I would say you could do push or split jerks. Your call

  3. Yes. when they don't specify, you can choose. It will depend on the weight. Push Jerks are more efficient, but can you push jerk that sucker every rep? You might PJ some of them, and SJ the others, depending on ability and fatigue level. Either way, the point is.... just jerk it! :-)

  4. Scaled the weight to 155/95 respectfully. Didn't want to fry my legs and more importantly my shoulder at that heavy a weight and that many rounds. Still was brutal. Round 4 I had to dig deep to finish.

    Tough WOD: 26:32

    RIP Bruck

  5. Oh and I split between push jerks and split jerks. 12 of each variety per round.

  6. Thanks Craig and Chris for the replies.

    I scaled to 75#s for both. I didn't want to switch weight. I was going to do 95#s, but looking at my time and what Chris scaled to I am glad I did what I did.
    I did all the jerks as push-jerks. I have not done split jerks before. My wrists really need more flexibility, for they are a hurting.

    TT 37.14.71

  7. Forgot to write. Nice time Chris. Also I am up to 23 DUs in row. I think I will hit my goal of 30 in a row well before Sept.

  8. Thanks Dave. Great job just to finish this one. It was a tough one. I'm still learning DU's myself. Looks like your ahead of me and we get to practice some more tomorrow!

  9. I did 155/95 as well... seemed like plenty to me. Although looking back, I should have gone with 115 for the jerks.

    I wanted to compare to Chris, and see if I could take him out... and how about NOPE.

    28:29.... Chris you spanked my ass!


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