Saturday, June 22, 2013



  1. One of my worst scores ever. 260. Mentally I was a wuss and physically my body just would not fire, not a good combo for a FGB score. I guess the lesson is when you do the x-fit long enough you are bound to have a bad day every now and then, can't be a pr every time like when you started out, just have to eat a little better and sleep a little better and hit a little better the next time.

  2. Yep, can't always be a PR, but I do wonder what the heck is going on when I am way off...

    Today Chelle and I are going on a 2 hour mountain bike ride, 1:30 of that is uphill climbing through rocks, roots, and dirt with heart rate averaging 160+. Then the downhill, change in the car, whack a beer or two on the way to meet some friends for dinner. Eat, whack more beers. Sleep, wake up, FGB tomorrow at 7AM. That's how it's going down, fellars.

  3. My usual sub of 15# med ball and 8ft target. You still beat me by 3 points Justin, so don't feel too bad. I made 257. This is actually a PR for me. It was 217 last time I did this.

  4. 357 PMFR! I have 3 witnesses :-)

    Round 1 - 125
    Round 2 - 117
    Round 3 - 115

    Round 1 went 30 WB, 20 SUDHP, 20 BJ, 40 PP, 15 Cal
    Round 2 went 28,19,19,38,13
    Round 3 went 29,18,18,37,13

    My game plan: I do focus my attention on WBs and PPs. WBs I always do unbroken, PPs I do 20, then rest for a bit, then go to the buzzer. I stop BJ's 5 seconds early to position for PPs since I am the best at those (trying to maximize), rowing I just go to the buzzer since it's before rest... sometimes takes me a while to get strapped in.

    Surprised at this PR (previous from January was 350) because of that very strenuous mountain bike ride last night that left my legs noodly, and I did some boozing last night, and hence didn't sleep that great. This is a mental battle.


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