Thursday, June 27, 2013

AMRAP in 12min of 10 Burpees 25 Double Unders


  1. I will not let pride get in the way, so I will post my great effort.
    3 rounds and 10 burpees.
    I do not know what I was doing wrong with my DUs, but they sucked today. I was even getting zeros. I will do this again and again till I get at least 8 rounds. I think that sounds like a reasonable goal.

  2. My plan for this one is to do the 12 minutes... stop briefly (3 seconds) to record score and continue on for 20 minutes. Cos I need the work, I drink too much beer to only WOD for 12 minutes unless it is some heavy lifting stuff.

    I feel like I am getting sick... damn it. I was with my dad two days ago and he has a summer cold... I think he gave it to me.

    Dave do it again, and go for 20!

  3. OH my goodness... now I realize why this was only 12 minutes... it comes on the heels of BRUCK! I am so sore and whooped this AM I could hardly warm up.

    I got 6 rounds + 10 burpees at the buzzer in 12... then reset the clock for 8 more minutes (at which time I was absolutely miserable, pushed really hard for those last 10 burpees)... then I only got to 9 rounds + 10 burpees + 18 DUs (dang near 10 rounds), but if you see, my pace fell off big time. I was totally wasted and the DU's completely fell apart.

    Dave, case in point why double unders are a total mystery. In two rounds of this WOD, I went unbroken. However in round 8, I did all singles to 19, and in the final round, also almost all singles. Other rounds were a mixed bag. I cannot explain it.

  4. I had to take a rest day yesterday because I was/am so sore. I'll hit this one up later today or tomorrow. My efforts will be pitiful I'm sure.

  5. I totally understand your taking a rest day. I could barely move... that's what made the WOD so hard. My body is like "What are you doing? We are not 27 years old here, sir! And why did you insist of having two glasses of wine and some Scotch last night? What is wrong with you?"

  6. Oh how I wish I was 27 again. I'll be 43 in less than 2 weeks and my body reminds me of that on a daily basis. Still love the CrossFit though!

  7. Justin nice job Bruck Rx'd. That was a tough one.

    My legs are finally feeling better, not 100% but better. My DU's started to click today. Didn't bang of 10 in a row, but 5 a couple times. I'm getting there.

    4 Rounds + 6 Burpees

    Felt good to workout today

  8. I could not walk without excruciating pain today, and I mean on level ground. The stairs were brutal. However, after I mowed the yard for an hour with my old school reel mower, I felt loose enough to try one burpee without crying. There were no tears so I went ahead and did this wod.

    6 + 10 burpees we tied Fletcher, but I did not do another 8 minutes.

  9. Justin... AMAZING that you did Bruck RX'd. I wasn't willing to risk the damage. Then you did this WOD the next day? My hat is off to you... much respect. You are a rock. I am taking tomorrow off guys... hit the DL/OHS WOD Tuesday. Gonna have to scale the DL to not risk injury, even though I could certainly bang those out RX'd.

  10. Oh, much better today. My parents stopped by on their way to their condo for the weekend. I didn't get to do any WODS, though we went to an indoor trampoline place one night and talk about a workout. Anyways, I didn't make my 8 rounds like I wanted to, but I did do 7 rounds + 10 burpees.
    The DUs felt more fluid. For some reason they all ended up being about 12 in row than 2 to 5 and the last ones usually unbroken. I still think I can get at least 8 rounds if I can get my burpees a tad faster and less winded and my DUs in 2 sets.
    I think, like all of you guys, I was just too exhausted to of done this the day after Bruck.


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