Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sumo's and PJ's

Went back to the last time this came up and had to laugh... we all were posting, but no one actually did this WOD! LOL:


  1. Bicep tendon is flaring up again from the 50..... so I made something up.

    5 rounds:
    15 back squats 135
    15 GHDs (to floor)
    15 KBS @ 45 lbs

    Couldn't time it really... because guess what? My 62 year old mom is here from out of town and she did her first WOD in years with me this AM. So I had a 15 minute timer for her... I started mine when she was about 7 minutes in.

    Mom did 15 minute AMRAP of 10 12" step ups, 10 KBS, and 10 air squats. She made it about 7 or 8 minutes :-) then started doing stretches and whatnot. Cool that she tried though.

  2. Did this as 21-15-9 Rx'd weight


  3. I need to work on cardio and Double Unders, so I did 3 sets of 1000m Row and 50 DUs.

    1st set 3.59.2 R & 6.22 DU
    2nd set 4.18.0 R & 6.20 DU
    3rd set 4.19.4 R & 3.31 DU

    My goal is to get 30 DU in a row by September. I am at 11 right now.

  4. As Rx'd: 10:55

    Tough one towards the end. Good WOD

  5. Did this one is 8:47 as rx'd. Took a few too many breaks, but kept em short.

  6. Kick ass time Justin. You blew my time out of the water. Nice work

  7. Dave good to see you working on DUs! Just have to practice. hold your hands out in front of your body and focus on wrist movement and quiet the arms and shoulders!

    The thing that looks hard with this WOD is NOT doing push presses, but really completing the jerk, which would take a lot more effort and time with the extra partial squat movement. I'd rather just do PP's!


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