Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kettlebell Snatches and Pull-ups

21-15 and 9 rep rounds of:
Left-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood
Right-arm Kettlebell snatch, 1.5 pood


  1. As Rx'd: 8:27 PR

    Tough little WOD

  2. I scaled to 35# KB for the snatches. I did get a 35# (obviously) and a 24kg kettlebell a couple a weeks ago, so no more excuses for using the 25 pounder. I used the 24kg (close enough for 1.5 pood, should be 24.57kg) for warmup (some swings and snatches). Glad I used the 35#, my forearms are toast. TT 10.53

    As far as my DU goal goes, I did make 15 in a row twice, so half way there.

  3. Dave keep practicing, one day you will just "get it" and get your 30 and be like "whoa!" The thing that will stop you is fatigue, not rhythm, once you get there.

  4. Chris, you smoked me on this one, nice time! I am not sure what I used for the kettlebell last time, but this time I subbed 55# with the oly bar and one arm hang power snatches. They were a mutha, 9:52 as described.


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