Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ascending Reps 20-50


  1. Scaled weight to 105#s and did them as a back squat. Also my usual WBs to 15# ball 8ft target (though should be getting a 20# ball within a month or so).
    Everything else RX'd.

    TT 11:44.94

  2. Did this rx'd from the ground with a squat clean. I counted the squat clean reps and touched ass to dynamax on every rep. Squats went 15 and 5, felt good about that. Was sucking air hard by the KBS. 10:44 PR! by 30 seconds.

  3. Just did this after the WB GHD/WB 2 fer 1 (had a 10 minute rest in between)... going for two PR's in one AM?

    Justin, again. HARD CORE doing that RX'd. I did this the same way I did last time for a benchmark.

    165 FS and box jumps were 30" but were of the step up variety.

    FS went 12/5/3 (again, JTS is a bad ass) that took like 1:48

    KBS went 32/8, thought I could go unbroken but needed a little rest.

    WBs took two minutes, 4 sets (which bummed me out but I had Fran throat and was hurting).

    TT = 7:43 PR #2 for today....

    Last time was 8:07

    I've lost 15 pounds in the past 2 months.

    Eating less, added cycling to the mix.... not really eating cleaner, and certainly not drinking less alcohol, sleeping pretty good. It's about food quantity and adding the cardio to CF I think.

  4. Check that... I am down 17 pounds. Lost a couple of more last two days. Was up to 234, now 217. I don't have a "weight goal" just want to be lean and mean and feel good and eat the right amount of food for my metabolic rate.

  5. Same scale as before FS 165 BJ's 24". I got me a PR today as well almost 2 minutes.

    Got you Craig: 7:27

  6. My bad FS scaled to 155, same as before.

  7. And your box jumps were 6" smaller, weenus, and I did two WODs, anus. LOL

  8. That's true my box jumps were only 24", but at least I did TRUE box jumps Mr. Step-up! LOL


  9. Step ups are legit poopoopeepeepanties!!

    Dude, if I did true 30" box jumps after those squats and that other WOD, I would break my mouth open LOL.

  10. I hear you man. I almost busted my grill the first couple jumps myself. For some reason that tabata WOD took a toll on my body.

  11. It felt good to get a WOD in. I've taken a little time off trying to get some minor injuries to heal that are CF related. Boom! Been lifting and running in the meantime. This was my first in a few weeks I believe. I scaled the FS to 135, otherwise as RX'd
    TT 7:35.

    Went and checked at the last time and noticed that I beat my last time by almost 40 seconds AND went up 20# on the FS! For me and my shitty knees, I'll take it.


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