Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Tabata This!" - Note instructions


  1. Not sure if I have paid close attention in the past, but this is 8 30 second rounds of each exercise, then a ONE FULL MINUTE rest.... then on to the next exercise. I don't recall doing it that way before. 24 minute WOD total.

  2. Don't remember either to be honest, but pretty sure I did the 1 minute rest. Look forward to this one. Think my Ab's are going to be screaming tomorrow from todays WOD. Feeling it already.

  3. On the 1-14-12 Chris posted the description with the 1 minute rest in between each tabata.

    I was actually going to do some tabata work tomorrow, pretty cool that it came up anyways. I have been reading about Izumi Tabata this past week. I found a cool online Interval/tabata timer online for those that do not have one.

  4. Well that sucked. I haven't done pullups hardly at all in 4 months (bicep tendon thing) so that part went horribly.

    Rows - 7 (got up to 10 twice but collapsed)
    Squats - 16's (I think I could get 17's)
    Pullups - tried to hold 6's, dropped to 5's
    Pushups - 11's (maybe could get 12's)
    Situps - 13's (Again, I could gain a point here)


    I think I have potential for 55. Note for next time.

  5. Good score Fletcher! I found out today that I can hold a 7 row to start and then get 15 squats, but that does not work out for me very well at all after that, wheels came off big time...

    Row 7
    Squat 15
    Pullup 5
    Pushup 7
    Situp 8

    Score: 42

  6. This will be my baseline. I could have done this a little smarter by starting off with a little lower number.

    Row 6,7,6,6,6,6,6,6
    Squat 16,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
    Pullups 10,7,6,5,4,4,4,4
    Pushups 12,10,9,6,6,5,5,5
    Situps 10,10,10,8,8,8,8,8

    Score 38

  7. I knew this was going to brutal. Especially when it came to the situps. My Abs are sore as hell today. This won't help.

    Subbed SDHP's for rows: 8's
    Squats: 16's
    Pull-ups: 5's
    Push-ups: 11's
    Situps: 11's

    I just couldn't get anymore reps in both pushups and situps.

    Score: 51

  8. Feeling like an old man today. Jesus this WOD made my body ache something fierce. Thank GOD today is a rest day. Old man river needs a break

  9. Same here man... did Nancy Saturday, this yesterday... then cycled to work today (67 minutes, 17.4 miles, 900 feet of vertical gain) and MAN my legs were not happy. I was wondering WTH I was thinking when I got up an hour earlier than I should and took on the ride. It was hard...


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