Thursday, July 25, 2013



  1. This took more time to set up gear and break it down than the WOD itself.

    Decided to try this RX'd... only concern there was the DBS's. Managed to get them, but they took a while (stood around a bit)... glad there were only 20. The rest of the stuff I cruised through pretty well. I PR'd 100 DUs big time... that part took 2:25. I only missed a few times, stopped a few other times from just being worn out. Runs were used to catch my breath. Squats were tougher than usual because of yesterday's double WOD with all the WB's and FS's.

    TT 14:29... pretty stoked on that.

    Tomorrow I am cycling to and from work (2+ hours of riding as hard as I can... 2,000 calories I think).

  2. Subbed FS to 75 BS, Rope climbs to 20 dead hang chest to rings, Farmers carry was 1.5pood kettlebell and 35# kettlebell one in each hand and switching hands after 50M, 35# kettlebell snatches.

    The DUs sucked, took me 10 minutes for those. Everything else not to bad. Back squats, farmers carry and snatches were unbroken. Didn't expect a great time.

    TT 22:15.

  3. Funny shit happened today. I ran a 5k cause my brain is fried and I don't have the gear to do this wod. I was passing two ladies about my age walking a kid in a stroller and the kid said said, "Is the my dad?" and the mom said, "No honey, that man is in shape." Maybe I'm not as fat as I think I am:) 210 this morning. Switch back to bud light from the mircos and trying to avoid any beer during the week.

  4. Rather ironic. I ran a 5K today as well instead of the WOD. Taking Craig's lead on extra cardio. Nice work today Dave and Craig. And just don't be so hard on yourself. You are strong as bull and can do muscle ups my friend. Can't be that fat! Beer is good for you anyway. :)


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