Saturday, July 13, 2013


compare to this :

This is the final WOD in the 2009 CrossFit games, when people learned who Mikko Salo was (and this was after doing like 10 other awful WODs that weekend):


  1. Oh my goodness this was so much harder than it looks. I subbed 30 ring dips for muscle ups and I scaled the cleans to 135 to protect the bicep tendon. I love squat cleans though and my technique has really gotten good at them over the years (if I can say that without sounding like an ass). So the 135'ers were pretty easy. I did one at a time and dropped all from up high to save energy. I should have put the 20 lbs back on there.

    I did everything else RX'd. The burpees and lunges at the end were insane.

    TT 29:01.

    3 years ago I did this in 39 minutes, but I did a different sub for MU's and did the SC's RX'd. Still though... TEN MINUTES is a big ass gap. Getting younger is a good thing.

  2. I got to 8 lunges at the 30 minute mark and wanted to die, so I had to have a talk with myself. I finished the 92 remaining lunges in sets of 10 while I clean up the garage gym off the clock. I went on a 4.5 mile hike with my wife just before doing this, good for the marriage bad for the wod time.


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