Tuesday, July 16, 2013



  1. Did the overhead squats as back squats, same weight.
    TT 23:48.02

  2. I killed this WOD today. No PR but I'll take it at 43 years old!

    As Rx'd: 15:11

    Pool time!

  3. Damn!!! Chris you crushed it my man. I didn't get an all time PR today, but I did get a PR with all squats to the dynamax ball at 16:20, which I will take. I was even in a big hurry and I missed the ball on the very first rep, so I had to no rep myself, talk about a psychological disaster to start out the wod.

  4. Thanks Justin! I used the dynamax as well. It really forces full ROM which is a good thing.

  5. 15:11? Wait... OK this is 5 rounds. So that means 2:00 for the runs (granted) and 1:00 for each round of 15 OHS's..... so 4 seconds a rep, so basically crushing these nonstop, no pace change, the entire WOD. That is bad ass. 16:20 is about the same bad assness. I've been in Crested Butte with my wife since Sunday, we've done an average of about 2 hours of intense mountain biking every day. Today we head home, but not before doing a 3 hour ride that has about 2,100 feet of climbing (this is rooty, rocky, single track dirt we're talking, not a road, so triple the effort). I've been following the blog, just not posting. Burning a lot of calories, and consuming even more! Back to work tomorrow.

  6. Shit balls.. Really wanted to see him compete this year.


  7. I know, it sucks.

    Guys, 8 weeks ago I was up to 234. Today 220. Two things I think to point out:

    1 - Eat less food (obviously good food). I've been doing this and really, I think in the past I just ate way more than I needed to.

    2 - Mix in cardio (we are getting older). I've been cycling a lot lately..and HARD (these are not leisurely rides, HR is 150+ all the time). And also do CrossFit. Do both! Just got back from a mountain biking trip and I lost 6 lbs... and drank plenty of booze. I ate good though... and burned a ton of calories (1 1/2 hours a day of hardcore mtn biking)

  8. Did this with 500M rows. Last time I did it that way was 2 years ago AND I scaled the OHS to 75 lbs (back then) and it was 17:07.

    Today I did OHS RX'd, and got a massive PR @ 14:59. All OHS unbroken and pretty fast, did stand there with the bar up in the air for a few seconds a couple of times. Got under the bar @ 14:30 and knew if I could take the pain I could get 14:59. Also @ 220 I am lighter than I have been in a long time. Starting to ride my road bike to work 2X week... every day I do that is another 2,000 calories burned. Feeling good guys, feeling good.


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