Tuesday, July 6, 2010

AMRAP 15min 5 50#DBPJ 7 30" BJ


  1. WODoers: I did this on the right day, but then went of to enjoy the 4th with Blake Pickett and the Pickett clan in Montucky. It was a blast. No computers, no email, no wods and nothing but a shit ton of beer...perfect.

    Got 12 rounds and 3 jerks. Did it with 135#s on the barbell and 24" box. It was a fun WOD.

  2. I made this one up on Monday, scaled to 35# to keep moving quickly.

    19 rounds w/ ~10secs to spare

  3. Very weird, I get alerted that you guys posted but I don't see any comments. Strange.

    I subbed 95# barbell push jerks, which is about as heavy as I can go overhead and that still hurts and 10 20" box jumps.

    17 Rounds. I subbed all the other WOD's in this cycle with lots and lots of swimming.


  4. OK now that's even stranger. I posted my shit and BAM Justin and Chas' comments appeared.


  5. Yeah Justin I went with 135lbs too, but kept the 30" jump though.

    Jacob 17 Rounds even

    My calfs were real tight the next day.

    Chas, way to kill it!


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