Thursday, July 1, 2010

100 pullups, RDs, Situps, Squats

10 rounds of 10 of each, ready go!


  1. I just did 80 ring dips and 111 wall balls two days ago, so I was still pretty wiped from that, which slowed me down on the RDs today.

    TT 17:58. LIke I said, slowed by the RDs, and the pullups too since I can't butterfly. Kipping heavy bothers my back too so I just kip a little bit nowadays. Situps and squats were easy, just enough to keep you breathing hard.

    I am convinced that there is no one on earth that can do bodyweight stuff as fast as Spealler, and Jacob is second place. Jacob, get this done in sub 10!

  2. WODoers: I sub 5 dead hang chest to bar on the metolius holds for the pullups. Ring dips killed my time. Sweated pretty good. But heart and lungs got plenty of rest once I was reduced to singles on the dips. TT= 19:04

    Nice time Fletcher!

  3. Way to go wall hanger!

    I thought my time was kinda suck cos the ring dips were hurtin me. 180 RD's in three days is plenty. Watch Jacob go sub 10 on this.

  4. I thought I was moving OK on this one, PUs kind of slow but not bad, RDs definitely hard and down to singles later on. But the clock was moving like hell.

    TT = 21:40

    I gotta eat more, or do something. I'm getting sick of having my ass kicked by you guys...

  5. After Angie I just didn't have it in me to do this one today guys... Kenny and Shane had to drag me off the floor just to WOD in the first place.

    WOD #1
    For time:
    75 Snatches, 75lbs

    Kenny 4:42

    Jacob 4:36

    WOD #2
    5 Rounds of:
    20 Push-ups
    15 KBS, 2 pood
    10 Burpees
    5 Shoulder to Overhead, 45lb Dumbbells
    *Rest as long as it took you to complete each round.

    Kenny 1:12, 1:12, 1:14, 1:18 and 1:19

    Jacob 1:07, 1:08, 1:09, 1:14 and 1:15

    Then I was done, with a capital "D". I was proud though, my burpees were top notch every time!


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