Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fight Gone Bad!


  1. Where'd everybody go?

    I had another fun WOD with my 16yo nephew. We did FGB - how could we not? - but we staggered the movements and took 15sec breaks between so we could switch around and I could help him out. We also messed up the time on the first SDHP w/ only 45secs, so 2nd round did that one for 1:!5.

    So my score is not as rx'd, but that made me try harder to kill it since I'd have a caveat next to the final count. As usual, I did 1pd kb thrusters for WB, else as rx'd.

    WB 40-31-28
    SDHP 23-27-20
    BJ 20-17-16
    PP 26-24-18
    Row 21-19-21

    Total 351

    My nephew used a 1.5pd kb for SDHPs and 45# for PP. He didn't keep score that closely but I think he got around 225.

  2. Chas don't kill anyone! My devirginizing WOD has always been FGB as well. half of them have never returned to the Fletcher garage gym.

  3. What's up all?

    Been studying non-stop over the last week and haven't WOD'ed once... I feel so lazy!

    I see everyone is atop their game as usual which is good. I hope I can get back there.

    I think I'm going to do Fran tomorrow as punishment for my lack of motivation to WOD.

    Hope for a sub 3:00... gonna die trying!

    Take care till then...

  4. Hey guys.... did FGB just the other day and have a bike mtn bike ride tomorrow morning, so I wanted to conserve the legs. So... I made up my own upper body/core WOD. I tried to target something that would take 20 minutes, and with a strong push in the (nearly dead hang, cos kipping hurts) pullups in round 5, I got er'

    5 rounds
    20 pushups
    20 BEs
    20 GHDs (to flat)
    20 pullups


    Cool. Off to take the kids to daycare, then off to work. I've been drinking very little lately, only had one glass of wine this week so far total. That's an achievement for me! Been doing this for a few weeks now, feels really good. This weekend we head to Vancouver for 8 days with no kids, packing the mtn bikes too (think I already mentioned that) so there will be a chance to catch up on the adult beverages in between epic mtn bike rides and large piles of seafood.

  5. I decided to give Fran a go and remind myself why it is I hate crossfit. The truth is though, it didn't feel that bad and I had plenty of rest. Nice!

    For time: 21-15-9 reps of:
    Thruster, 95lbs

    Jacob 2:47 Rx'd and Unbroken!

    I actually felt fine during the whole WOD.

  6. Chas: Do you row for a full minute or do you count transition time. I figure I am lucky to get 45 seconds of actual row time because of the transition.

    WODoers: this wod is my fucking goat. 286 for a pr, but I never even got 20 push presses. Also, had to use a 24" step ladder, but still, I can't believe I can't break fucking 300 reps. Worst part is it still fucking sucks ass even when you only get 286 reps. My old pr from like a year ago was 276. That is the lowest improvement for me on any wod.

  7. Normally I'd only give myself the rx'd minute, so I would lose rowing time. But when I did it with my nephew on Tuesday, we put in 15sec transitions, so the rows were a full minute. Hence the good score, and the caveat that it was not as rx'd.


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