Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bike 30K!

I was stoked to see this WOD, totally cool. Then again, I love biking. the bitchy comments on main site are stupid. Biking is functional! Transportation people!

I'm going to do this tomorrow AM early with a friend, but worse cos' we will be on single track dirt climbing a mountain. Made up my own WOD today, see comments if you give a hoot.


  1. Great day in the garage gym. My wife PR'd Kelly by almost a minute and a half (she got 24:30 today), then my buddy from work and neighbor Brett came over and did Kelly too (36:59, he used a 12 lb wall ball to 9 foot target and did 20 inch BJ's). Glad he came though, he doesn't WOD so this was cool. I made up my own and it was awesome, and hard. Went a little something like this:

    Row 1000M
    9 HSPU
    25 K2E's
    Row 750M
    15 HSPU
    25 K2E's
    Row 500M
    21 HSPU
    25 K2E's

    It was a hard one, nasty move combo's. 22:47. Off to dad's 4th of July party. Later freaks.

  2. Well I rested yesterday and was up till 4AM at the fire department... good thing I didn't WOD. Today Kenny and I tackled one of my least favorite named WOD's "Elizabeth"! It sucked ass in the heat.

    WOD #1
    21-15-9 reps for time of:
    Squat Clean, 135lbs
    Ring Dips

    Jacob 6:03 (PR)

    Kenny 10:57 (First Time)

  3. Someone besides me has to get on their damn bike. Come on people!

    Did more like 24K but it was like 50K on a road bike. TT - 90 minutes. Kicked my butt good cos we did it mid day in the hot sun, lots of climbing, heart rate @ 160 for a looooong time during the climb. Good for ya! Tomorrow I must rest, Wednesday might do a rendition of Luce, which looks just absofreakinlutely heinous. 300 squats with a weight vest? Weighted Muscles Ups? Wow.

    Jacob, a 6 minute Elizabeth is goofy. Butterfly pullups are cheating! :-)

  4. Fletcher... Butterfly pull-ups are cheating? Where did that come from?

    Also I posted the video of my Elizabeth... it was 6:03, so next time will be a sub 6:00 performance or what I like to call a "Myles-esque" performance.

    Later guys.


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