Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rest Day 5k


  1. Wodoers: Ran 5k in 26:14 today to get out the residual Bud Light. I was to give Luce a shot, but my landlord is back and now the garage gym is all screwed up, so might have to go globo for two months. Gonna take some serious organizing to make it work.

  2. I wanted to do some form of makeup of Sunday's bike ride, but it's fucking hot here in the CT (100plus, and humid), so I stayed inside and did a 10k on the erg. That's the longest I've rowed in a while. It was pretty nice - I just fired up an old Dead bootleg and tooled along.

    TT = just under 40mins. It should have been less (I was sticking to 1:56 splits, with some quick pieces on the 1000s) but I had an unwanted phone break.

  3. Today it was Rick, Kenny and myself all woding in the garage doing different WOD's. It was a hot, humid, good time. Well that is except for the WOD's. That part almost killed me.

    Warm Up:
    Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 145-175-195-205-215

    WOD #1
    Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 225-225-225-225-225 (PR for a 5x5)

    This is the first time I hit all 5 sets without a spot, felt good and my shoulder held up so that was even better.

    WOD #2

    For time:
    1K Run
    10 Muscle-ups
    100 Squats
    *All with a 20lb Vest

    Jacob 29:46 Rx'd (9:00, 10:00 and 10:46)

    This WOD sucked so bad, Orlando is sick as hell!

    Kenny hit a PR front squat triple

    WOD #1
    Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

    Kenny 225-235-245-255-265-275-285(PR)

    Kenny is strong as hell!


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