Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lunges Pullups and Situps

Walking lunge 100 ft.
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
15 Pull-ups
15 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
12 Pull-ups
12 Sit-ups
Walking lunge 100 ft.
9 Pull-ups
9 Sit-ups
Walking Lunge 100 ft.
6 Pull-ups
6 Sit-ups


  1. I'll come back to this one. This morning I climbed a very very steep mountain on my bike. TT 1 hour, kicked my ass. 1,600 foot gain over dirt and rocks over only 2.5 miles.

    I LOVE my new mountain bike. Heartrate a solid 160 (up past 170 twice when I was going over some nasty rocky stuff) for 45 minutes straight during the climb.

  2. Now I'm a big admirer of Speal and all, but it'd be nice if sometimes they put up a video of someone who' know, human.

    TT = 12:25

    That's a PR by 1:30, so I guess I should be happy. I swear if I had a high enough damn pullup bar I could get through PUs faster. As it is, I've got to do a mix of straights and weird, bent-leg kips, kind of awkward and not conducive to speed. So there's my excuse when you guys all kick my ass...

  3. Chas, do you have a two car garage? I do, but we have two cars, and guess what? One of them is always in the driveway where it belongs! Could you do that?

  4. I guess I could, but unlike your garage gym all my setup is in the basement.

  5. Mine used to be in the basement too! Then I moved it ALL!

  6. My setup isn't in the basement by my choice...

  7. Oh I hear ya there. When I first moved the gym to the garage we had to move all of our storage into the basement and my wife was pissed that the garage was a gym, but after a few months she started WOD'ing with me and now she loves it. But I know everyone's circumstances are different!

  8. Hey gang. Did this one this AM, TT 11:33, PR by 7 seconds. It was a good feeling, because when I did it in 11:40 I felt like crap all day, this morning was still a hard pace, but it felt a lot more "normal" or natural... finished 10 minutes ago and feel totally fine. Awesome, CrossFit works. Wish I could do the other 1/2 of the WODs but I am just doing what I can, and really getting into mountain biking. 20 year HS reunion tonight, that should be fun. Let's see how many of my classmates are tubs o lard? Later DUDES.

    PS - Jacob, I just said butterfly pullups are cheating because I can't do them! :-) So I guess that means muscle ups are cheating too huh? ;-) Too many damn smiley faces out here today.


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