Sunday, November 28, 2010

Heavy Tabata Day


  1. Pullups: 5,5,5,4,4,4,4,4 = 4
    Squats: all 10's = 10
    Ring Dips: All 4's = 4
    Rowing: 8,8,8,8,7,7,7,8 = 7

    Total: 25

    I used a 30 lb weight vest instead of the dumbbell, which I know helps. (My vest has these little 1/2 lb weight bars and can go from 0 to 40 lbs). I subbed tabata rowing and measured calories for the deads. My back is still really hurting after doing 100 2 pood KBS's. That was STUPID.

    Justinius the strong: I bet 1M$ you can squash Kevin Montoya on those tabata deads!! 6 seemed pretty weak to me. Hardest part of this WOD was the subbed rowing intervals, I HATE those damn things. I can hang on for an 8, done it before, but was whooped here.

  2. Nice work Fletcher, you got me on this one. I also used a weighed vest (backpack in my case) and got


    It was all I could do to make the 2s on PU and RD sets; I only had one set of even 4 for each move. Squats were fine, but I hit total failure on the DLs; I was working sets of 7, then dropped to 6 around the fifth and almost stopped completely after that. My back was screaming. So I hope Justin can kill those but I think even 6 is harder than it sounds.

  3. This was tough. Did only strict reps only counted full rom. Subb hsps for dips.
    PU 4,4,4,4,3,2,1,1,
    SQ 10 all the way
    HSP 4,4,3,2,2,1,1,1
    Deadlift 10,10,10,10,10,10,8,8

    Thought I might just die on the deadlifts. Laid on the ground shaking for a good bit after that shit. Have to say every bit as bad as fran, deadlifts only.

  4. Nice job Justin, those deads were beastly.
    Craig, can you believe Mikko 83 minutes of burpees. That is 1 every 5 seconds for a long ass time!


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