Tuesday, November 30, 2010


15 ' rope climb from ass on ground
29 95# back squat
135# 10 meter farmer dumbell carry


  1. WODoers: I had some subs cause of lack of equipment. Seven below zero, so I did the climbs inside the barn where it was probably only four below. Subbed 2 ass to floor 9' rope climbs with no feet for each 15' climb. Did squats with 70# sand bag, less weight more ackward. Did 270# barbell carry cause I only have one, hard to walk with that fucker in the snow. I think subs were fair, comments are welcome.

    As described in 35:44

    Once again it is sad to see another hero workout. However, once again it is very good to be reminded that there are men and woman who make the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our country and freedom. Be sure to thank a veteran every time you have a chance. Be sure to stand up and make your voice heard to defend our freedoms and constition whenever you have the chance, there are plenty of attacks on our freedom that do not occur on the battle field.

  2. Powerful Justin. I think the sandbag squat is a fine sub.

    How did you carry the barbell, front or back? I'm gonna have to use only one since my other one will be loaded for the squats.

    PS I think I'm a little scared of this one. Good to see you pounded it out already.

  3. Chas: I did the carry in front. I tried it behind the back on the first one but I had trouble holding on to the bar.

    It would be a good idea to be a little scared of this wod. I warmed up for 1/2 hour first to make sure no pulled muscles.

  4. Justin you are an animal, and an eloquent one at that. Thanks for the motivation.

    I did ten rounds of:

    10 tuck pullups
    squats as rx'd
    Walk w/one barbell (225#)

    TT = 42:45

  5. You guys are going to call me a puss but I had a buddy over and we were short on time and I can't pick up and carry super heavy stuff so I did:

    7 rounds for time
    10 L Pullups
    squats RX'd (95 lbs 29 reps)

    22 minutes on the nose. Legs are locking up... need to stretch more.

    I need to post a video of my man toy. Traxxas Slash 4WD remote control car. 0-60 in under 3 seconds. IT RIPS! It's crazy. My 2 year old son is totally addicted to it like a crack head. All he can ever say is "daddy race car! daddy race car!" I am a nerd.

  6. I did this one last night. 290 squats is crazy. My lower back was tight, so I split the squats up between back and front. I also can't read, and thought that it said 135# barbell farmer carry. (I did wonder how in the hell to do farmer carries with a barbell, but didn't really question it as it is CF.) Anyway, I subbed 70#db carries on accident and 8 PU's for rope climb. So, not as rx'ed.

    TT - 48:23 - squats killed me in rounds 5-10

    Later fellas.


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