Monday, November 29, 2010

Run Rest Run Rest...

Looks can be decieving. Lovely view out the barn gym door, but is was five below zero this morning, CHILLY!


  1. WODoers:

    Was unsure about distances and running in fresh snow, so just went for negative splits and got them. 4:45/4:30, 3:35/3:29, 2:30/2:15, 1:10,0:55

    I think all distances slight more than rx'd, at least I hope:)

    Was a cold bastard this morning!

    Chas: My hamstrings feel like knots and pain after those tabata deads, how are yours doing?

  2. Wow I feel like death. I subbed rowing like this:

    Row 2K (7:19.5 avg split 1:49.8)
    Rest 3 minutes
    Row 1500M (5:39.1 avg split 1:53.0)
    Rest 2 minutes
    Row 1K (3:45.6 avg split 1:52.8)
    Rest 1 minute
    Row 500M (1:47.1)

    total rowing time 18:31.7
    total WOD time: 24:31.7

    My 2K PR is 7:09 so I saved a little... but still as you know, rowing a hard 2K leaves you with nothing else so hopping back on after a 3 minute rest and rowing out another 1500 was NASTY.

    Took my dad to the Bronco game (boy do they suck) for his 60th birthday yesterday. We drank a lot of Jaeger and beer so I was hurting today... but this rowing madness made me feel better... and worse!

    That super sucked.

  3. PS - Justin, love the picture. Beautiful.

    PSS - I did this WOD in April with same subs so today I got a big time PR.

    I quit on the 2K last time. HAHAHAHA!! Rowing a 2K is just not fun.

  4. Yeah Justin, they're pretty tight. Kind of nice that today was a running day. But in fresh snow? All yours man.

    I did this on on the treadmill, and upped my speed for each round. Distances in miles:

    1mi 8:35
    3/4mi 6:01
    1/2mi 3:58
    1/4mi 1:40

    TT = 20:14
    with rest = 26:14

    Nice rowing Fletcher. I thought about doing this on the erg, but with a new treadmill just sitting there I couldn't justify doing it.

  5. I'm not a great runner, never have been, but I liked this WOD.

    1600 - 8:45
    1200- 6:22
    800 - 3:54
    400 - 1:52

    Chas great times. Justin that looks damn cold my friend. Great times running in the snow!

  6. Oh and Craig I would die right there on the spot if I did those rowing intervals. Maybe someday a rower will be in my future.

  7. Hello, sorry that I haven't been on lately. I drove back to MT the weekend before Thanksgiving for the Cat-Griz football game, came back to Spokane for 2 days of school, then back to MT for Thanksgiving weekend. I did get to help one of my aunts with a little bit of rennovation on a 4-plex she just bought, and helped Ma with shoveling off the back deck, bringing wood up to the front deck, and get the snowblower working. So, I did a lot of winter driving and a little bit of manual labor instead of WODing. I also did 75 burpees + 75 sit-ups one day, but nowhere near a good sub for actual working out.

    Anyway, thank GOD I'm back to school and back to working out even if it's only for a couple of weeks.

    Today's WOD - TT = 32:28
    kept pace at about a 10 minute mile

    My guts felt like they were going to explode after all of the holiday food, but I "gutted" it out. Anyway, I'm back for a little while. Later fellas.

  8. Hey Mike, good to hear from you again and way to go getting that thar edumacation and helping out the fam! Make time for WODs! Sneak em in! They make your brain work better for that schoolin'!

    When I travel I just do basic body weight stuff in my hotel room if need be but it still kicks my arse.


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