Monday, November 22, 2010

Push Press 3x3x3x3x3

Safety First!


  1. WODoers: This was rough but I worked through the soreness and tied my pr from shoulder day, so happy with the result. Finished with 200x3.

  2. Nice set up Justin! We just got hit with about 3-5 feet at lake level. Which means a lot more on top. Did the hang snatch the other day and got 175, finally getting better at this one, thanks to all the mobility work. Travis and I have been working hard, now time to focus on my wods. We should be back on track soon. Its' funny to see all our publicity in That last video was a bunch of these interviews I never thought would be used for anything oh well. Nice Nancy times from you guys I love that one. Keep up the work guys, I like the idea of a trip out here, you guys would dig it and we both have enough space to let you guys crash at our pads if you wanted. Peace out

  3. Whaddup bitches! I'm back, was traveling all last week and STILL fighting that nasty cold. Who knew that flying 1-2 times every day would aggravate it? Anyway, I missed a lot but am feeling better. I decided to make up some of the lifting WODs today, so I went back to the HPC 7x3 and got


    No idea why just ten more pounds filled up the bar so much for me. I couldn't repeat the lift at 175, but back to 165 and it went up fine. Anyway, then I did today's PP 7x3 and did


    and done. That first go at 165 was nasty, the third one went about 2/3 up and then stuck. Kind of a controlled drop from there, since I don't have bumpers. But I rested a bit and then got it for 3.

    Guys, give me your favorite WOD from the past two cycles to make up tomorrow for rest day. I promise to consider all suggestions before choosing one on my own...


  4. Bitches??? I love it, but on that note I vote for Collin for you Chas. It is a good wod and it will keep on reminding you for days and days what you did, which is good cause it gives you additional time to reflect on the hero.

    Also, no bullshit excuses on not having a sandbag. I got my at the hardware store for $4.25 cents and then wrapped it with a $3.75 roll of duct tape. So are you a man or are you a mouse?

  5. Today I did a 28 minute workout with my buddy Heath who used to be a trainer. He wrote it up.

    4 rounds:
    Tabata burpees with 25 lb plate (x4 tabata intervals)
    Thrusters with 25 lb plate (x4 tabata rounds... BUT, during the 10 seconds rest you do a squat hold while holding the plate out in front of you, that sucked!)
    1 minute of "walkout pushups"...
    Tabata plyo box leg raises holding 12 lb med ball out in front of you. Like you put one leg up on the plyo box and thrust up with the bottom leg and raise your knee up high and tap the ball with it.

    Weird WOD, but hard. 28 minutes of ass busting. Good to have a buddy to WOD with!

    He's coming over again tomorrow. We're going to do one of recent evil WODs with subs I'm sure. Maybe Collin or that nasty one from the day before that made Justin so terribly sore. Justin I like the homemade sandbag idea. I remember you posted a picture of that bad boy once. I wonder what size I should do?

    Myles, I really hope to make it out there. Justin, love that picture! Chas, way to hit it!

    Where is Chris? Is he ever going to return to the blog?

  6. Chas I vote Collin or the one from the day before. They both sounded like killers.

  7. Thanks Justin and Fletcher. I set everything up for Collin and went ahead. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get free til it got dark, so I had to do the runs on the treadmill. Awkward to say the least carrying a 1.5pd KB (my sub; after the first round I put it in a backpack and ran carrying that). The transitions killed my time.

    Also unfortunately, I also got called upstairs for fam duty before I could finish. Ugh. I got through 3 rounds in just under 23mins - the first round was by far the longest dealing with the run. I hate not finishing a WOD, but I gotta say, that would have been a bear to round out and I'm sure I'll feel even a half-Collin tomorrow. Nice work Justin.


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