Thursday, November 25, 2010

Helen - Happy Thanksgiving "Bitches!"

In following Chas' fine example, I had to use the term "bitches" to greet the brethren on this fine Thanksgiving Day.


  1. My buddy Heath met me over here at 7 AM to start off the holiday weekend the right way: With pain and suffering. I was up at 5:30 today making sandbags out of 60 lb tubes of sand from the hardware store and two rolls of duct tape. Good tip Justin! $13 for two!

    We made up our own WOD today and it was NASTY.

    5 rounds:
    60 lb sandbag carry 200M up and down my driveway (which is on an incline)
    20 KBS (Craig 72 pounder Heath 54)
    5 HSPU (Heath 15 elevated pushups)
    10 CTB pullups
    20 Double Unders

    TT 33:31. (Heath 34:58) Seriously thought I was going to puke in the last round during the DU's. Felt shaky and messed up for over an hour afterward. Ahh yes... just the way it oughta be. Happy Thanksgiving boys!

  2. Did with treadmill. First two rounds strict deadhang, kipped last eight. 10:09. Happy turkey day.

  3. Indeed.

    Still breaking in the new treadmill. Helen as rx'd:

    TT = 10:25

    I've done it faster (twice in the mid-9s), but those times were with the treadmill in the same room (now it's nextdoor for my wife) and, I think in one case, with jumping pullups like two months into my CF life. So I'm ok with this time. The only break I took (aside from going room to room) was a quick please-don't-puke-on-the-rug crouch for about 15 secs after the third run.

    Eat hearty Buddy Butts! Who knows what tomorrow brings...


  4. Happy Turkey day fellas! 18 weeks post-op and I'm on the way back. It's going to take awhile for me to get my wind and strength back. I don't know if I'll ever go super heavy over head anymore. It just isn't worth it to me to risk injury.

    I've been doing the WOD's and scaling where appropriate. It feels great to be back into the CrossFit.

    Helen TT: 11:10, my pullups are weak, mainly dead hangs

    Jackie TT: 12:14, subbed 100 SDHP's and again pullps blow, just don't have my strength yet

    Push Press: 65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100

    Not impressive but I never thought I'd be able to lift overhead again so I was real happy.

    Collin- Didn't happen


    Subbed 10 75# Shoulder Press for HSPU's, not there yet for those. Subbed 40 Single unders

    TT: 28:34

    I'll try to post more often. Great work guys for hitting it hard all the time.

    Peace out

  5. Yay! Chris is in the HOUSE!!! Good job dudes. That workout Heath and I did today was perhaps not so wise. 100 heavy KBS's has me in some pain right now. Gotta get ready, we are having 21 people over for Turkey Day. Love this holiday! Have a good one buddybuddybuttbutts


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