Monday, November 8, 2010



  1. Subbed 20 2 pood swings and did kinda kipping pullups on the metolious holds. This sucked after round one in 3:13. Couldn't do wall balls and couldn't grap onto the pullup bar.
    TT= 16:57

  2. I feel like I'm going to die!!!!

    WOD #1
    For Time:
    1000m Row
    5 Muscle-ups
    750m Row
    10 Muscle-ups
    500m Row
    15 Muscle-ups
    250m Row
    20 Muscle-ups

    Jacob 24:04

    WOD #2
    Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5

    Jacob 185-195-205-215(PR)-225(PR)

    WOD #3
    For Time:
    30 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 Pood
    25 Wall Balls, 20lbs/10'
    20 Pull-ups

    Jacob 9:00 (maybe even 8:59)

    2:16/2:16 30/25/20
    3:00/5:16 30/15-10/20
    3:44/9:00 15-15/15-10/20

    Now I feel like I'm a corpse. I'm going to post the video of the HQ WOD today.


    And Justin, even the thought of 2 pood swings right now makes me want to crap my pants.

  3. Whaddya know, more wallballs...45# barbell thr's for me.

    TT = 13:20

    Felt ok, KBs were unbroken til the last round (20/10) and thrusters unbroken rd 1, then 15/10. PUs slowed me down though, pretty heavily broken.

  4. I was planning on doing a double tonight, but got caught up in a jump rope challenge after my first WOD. So, I did Saturday's WOD today, and will do a double tomorrow.

    Jump rope contest - started out with AMRAP in 1 minute = about 170-180 hard to count and watch time

    Next - 3 30 second DU contests = 42, 49, 48

    Those DU's really take it out of you. I think I lost the singles contest and won the DU's. Later fellas.

  5. Nice work boys! Jacob it's good to know you are human and feel like crap after major WODdage!

    So not only did a break my ass (not literally) on my mtn bike crash, I also got the 36 hour stomach flu. Still walking with a pronounced limp but I'll get back in the swing of things pretty soon I bet. Hurt my wrists pretty good too (they are purplish) so I just have to take a few days off.

  6. Finally got this one in a few days late, as rx'ed.

    TT - 17:44

    I ripped a callous on my last round - sucks. Hopefully no big PU days coming up. Later fellas.

  7. Hey guys I made this WOD up today. It sucked. First round 3:45 TT 14:59 (I got slowed down big time after round 1) pushed really hard to go sub 15 at the end. Much harder than it looked on paper! Metcon throat burn.

    I figured super fast guys like Jacob could get this done in 3 minutes per round.


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