Wednesday, November 24, 2010



  1. Chas: Nice work on running with a 1.5 pood kettle bell, that must suck ass. Round 4 of Collin for me was when it became a run, shuffle, walk, run, shuffle, walk affair for me.

    Jackie: Today was day 24 the 100 days of strict HSPs, dead hang pull ups, and l-sit, so I did this wod with full lock out dead hang pull ups. Got a pr yesterday of 14 consecutive deadhang pullups and a pr today of 8 consecutive head touch hsps.

    I was at 8:34 with fifteen pull ups and finished thirty at 10:15. Allowing the shoulders to fully lock out makes them a bastard when you fatigue.

  2. I have never done Jackie before.

    Did it RX'd in 8:40 but I did regular kipping pullups. Row was 3:35, then I rested til 4 minute mark, thrusters done at 6:30 mark...

    Still have some WODs to make up from being sick and hurt but I'm sure I'll get my chances when the heavies come along and I am on the sidelines!

  3. Fletcher I just got you on this one, TT = 8:35. I'm guessing we matched off evenly throughout too; I rowed a 3:36 but didn't time my thrusters. I did have to break them up though, 25-10-9-6.

    Nice bruise on my upper back from that first run yesterday with the KB. And you're right, Justin, I am definitely feeling it even though I was a DNF.

  4. You penis! I have to do it again now and take you OUT! :-)


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