Tuesday, November 9, 2010



  1. This definitely was not a pr day for me. Think yesterday fucked with me.

    135/155/175/185miss/185miss/185 get
    185/225/245/275/295/315miss/315 get
    315/335 crush me down/275/275/275

    suck ass

  2. Justin your bad squat day is my 5-year goal. Not much closer to it today, I'm now down w/ a cold dammit. But some notables anyway:

    OHS 95-105-115-125-145PR; this is still form work for me
    FS 165-185-205-215-185 lost it here, PR is 225
    BS 205-215-225-245-260PR

    I decided to go for it on the BS just to bump up my pr by 5#. Fourth lift felt great but my legs decided that's all they had today and the fifth barely came out of the hole.

  3. Nice PR's Chaz!! Just think, you could be me and NEVER be able to lift heavy again.

  4. Still haven't caught up on the KB/WB/PU day, but I did get this one in tonight.

    OHS - 45, 75, 95, 115, 135
    FS - 165, 185, 205, 225, 245
    BS - 275, 315, 335, 355, 370

    Like an idiot, I forgot to put a 5 on one of the sides on my last lift. So, I was going for 375 and did 370 (-5 on one end) instead. Stupid!!

    Then, my buddy talked me into doing farmer walks instead. We started with the 100# db's walking about 25' down and back. Did everything one right after another 100, 90, 80 70, 60, and 50. I did it in about 4 drops.

    Fun stuff. Later fellas.


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