Friday, November 5, 2010



  1. WODoers: As rx'd except I did 115# squat clean cause no dumb bells. Fair sub I would say. Also, a helpful hint is that I used the snatch grip for the overhead squats, wow that helped a ton. TT=29:50 prmfr! by over 10 minutes.

  2. JUSTIN YOU ROCK DUDE! PMFR by 10 minutes?!

    I subbed 2 70 lb DB's for the DLs, and scaled the OHS to 75 lbs to avoid injury aggravation. Rowed 500M every other round (ran a few 400's too, therefore).

    First time I've swung the ol' 2 pooder since I broke my back. It went fine! 14 then 6 on that dude.

    TT 27:54. Beat down!

  3. that WOD demo video on the main site was great. That is Heather Bergeron's daughter I think... it's a little girl doing it!!!!Totally cool.

  4. You guys crushed me on this one. I had a couple of subs:

    KB swings 30@1.5pd
    SCleans 115# barbell
    500m rows instead of runs

    TT = 34:50

    The lifts just shut me down. DLs I made 10, then 2s and 3s. OHS made the first 6, then 3s and 4s. Even slower w/ the cleans. Wasted.

  5. Got this one in yesterday before the final flag football game of the year. Running is still a bit hard on my ankle so I subbed elliptical machine for running. I also had a lot of transition time from one station to the other because the aerobic stuff is upstairs and the weights are downstairs.

    TT - 36:50


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