Monday, November 1, 2010

5 Rds 3 MUHSPUs and 10 burpee pullups

Mortals not dare


  1. Full of Fletcherisms this morning. Headed to Chicago for the next two days, no hotel WOD tomorrow, I've been pushing hard lately, I will rest!

    Big time subbing here but worked my ass off. That was one of the harder ones.

    5 rounds
    10 jumping muscle ups (full lockout ensured!)
    10 HSPUs (full lockout always!)
    10 burpee pullups

    For the burpee pullups I let myself totally hang before doing each pullup, elbows totally extended. That way I was doing no sort of jumping pullup at all. I'd jump and catch the bar, THEN HANG, then do a pullup.

    Maybe that's why my time was 25:52. Doing HSPU's right after jumping MU's made me want to quit. Man that was hard. Body weight shoulder day big time. My shoulders are a mess. They are throbbing!

  2. WODoers: Just spent a lot of time on the rings this morning. Did a few burpee pull ups and muscle ups, but then I knew I needed to work on the transition to the handstand, so I set the rings up at ring dip level. Practiced forward summer salts on the rings and then by the end was able to go from verticle with arms extended into the ring handstand position. I couldn't quite push out but it was hard as hell just to do the transition.

    Starting on 100 days of handstand push ups and dead hang pull ups. I am sick of being an HSP pussy. Anyone care to join me? Just to 1 the first day two the second and so on until you don't suck at either one.

  3. 5 WOD's today, felt motivated.

    WOD #1
    5 Rounds for time of: (10 minute cut off)
    50 Unbroken Double Unders
    15 Unbroken Wall Balls, 20lbs

    Jacob 9:58

    WOD #2
    For time: (2 minute cut off)
    10 Overhead Squats, Bodyweight
    20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
    30 Glute Ham Sit-ups

    Jacob 1:59 (170lb Squats, BWT 166lbs)

    Got the video on my blog...

    WOD #3
    For time: (6 minute cut off)
    1 Mile Run
    15 Burpees, 12" Jump

    Jacob 6:29 (Failed)

    WOD #4
    Work up to 1RM Deadlift in 20 minutes:

    Jacob 420lbs (380lb Deadlidt with 40lb Vest)

    WOD #5
    5 Rounds fot time of:
    3 Bar Muscle-ups/3 Ring Handstand Push-ups
    10 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull-ups

    Jacob 13:22

    Can't do it Rx'd at my place, ceilings not high enough, but on a lighter note I so know I can get 15 BWT OHS now. I'm going to go for it tomorrow if I have the time. 10 went up easy and that was after doing another WOD before hand. I'll record it and post when and if I get it. I'm so pumped!


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