Sunday, October 31, 2010

30 155 lb strict clean and jerks


  1. I did a 5K row at 88% effort 19:04. PR is 18:38 I think. Still kicked my butt...

  2. Warm Up:
    Stretch and mope around (I'm wait listed for grad school, Damn!!!) Still have hope though...

    WOD #1
    For Time:
    30 Squat Clean and Jerks, 155lbs

    Jacob 6:10 (Previous PR 6:07?)

    5 Minutes Rest

    WOD #2
    Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
    Max Double Unders
    4 Minutes Rest
    Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
    Max Double Unders
    3 Minutes Rest
    Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
    Max Double Unders
    2 Minutes Rest
    Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
    Max Double Unders
    1 Minute Rest
    Max Dead Hang Pull-ups
    Max Double Unders
    4 Minutes Rest

    Jacob 235 Total Reps


    Score Time in Seconds WOD #1/Reps WOD #2

    Jacob 370/235 = 1.57

  3. Chas and Fletcher: Great to see you guys crush that wod. I think the 45# thrusters is a way fair sub.

    WODoers: Somehow I saw Jacob's time this morning and it looked like something maybe I could do, so I did a full 15 minutes of mobility wod stuff to open up my hips and shoulders. Then I did about fifteen minutes of oly light oly lifting and double unders until I was dripping sweat. Then I told myself at least six a minute until I can't take the pain any more.

    TT: 5:45 fuuuck yeah!

    Thanks for posting first and giving me a number to shoot at Jacob. I think I am going to curl up into a ball on the floor now and puke. And thank you "Mobility Wod" and Kelly Starret that shit is great.

    Myles and Weaver, when are they going to have a cert at your gym. I would love to come out there for that.

  4. Wow, lots of good stuff today guys.

    I ran in a 5k today here in the CT (the Police Pumpkin Chase). They didn't post the results on line yet but I was right around 27:20, which would be my best time so far; this is the third year I've run it. It's also the third 5k race I've run in three years, and that's three more than I'd prefer. These things are kind of creepy; even though it's right in my town, I didn't know anybody, but everybody seemed to know everybody else because they're all in these running clubs and just truck around to different 5ks and 10ks every weekend. Weird.

    Anyway I should have been in the 26's but my wife and son were in the park about 2 miles in and I stopped to see them during the race. Even so, I'm please w/ my time, since I definitely didn't push myself and just enjoyed the scenery.

  5. Nice work Justin, this WOD always gets me.

    I'm still trying to break the 6 minute mark.

  6. Justinius the Strong has risen! Jacob, your time was awesome too. Every time I see WODs like this I get bummed out. I used to LOVE cleans but I simply cannot do them anymore. Today's WOD looks wacked out. Fletcher sub time!

  7. Way to go animals in the 6-ish and sub-6 club. That's definitely a great accomplishment to be proud of. I didn't have it in me tonight. The last 4 reps took way longer than I thought I was taking as well.

    TT - 7:51, I swear that I had only 4 reps left when I crossed 7 - couldn't believe that the clock was at 7:51 when I dropped the last one.

    Oh well. Later fellas.


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