Thursday, October 28, 2010

Run 5K


  1. Did an evil self-prescribed chipper instead. Had a buddy come over and meet me @ 6:30.

    Bear crawl 100 feet
    broad jumps 100 feet (5 burpees every 5 jumps)
    50 KBS 1 pood
    50 K2E
    50 40 lb dumbbells thrusters
    50 jumping pullups
    50 overhead walking lunges (35 lb plate)
    50 GHD situps
    Bear crawl 100 feet
    broad jumps 100 feet (5 burpees every 5 jumps)

    TT 29:37

    If I had to pick one I'd say those thrusters were the hardest part. Brutal WOD. Fun.

  2. WODoers: According to the foot pot I ran 3.16 miles in 30:45 seconds. I sure thought I was going faster than that, but it was dark out and I was running with my dog on the leash who had to stop and shit three time, the joys of having a puppy that will eat anything.

  3. I ran about 3 1/4 miles in 30 flat, no shit to pick up but the pace could have used a bit of scooping.

  4. You guys see how much coverage CrossFit Avalanche is getting on the main site lately? It's INSANE!! watch them vids! Myles, Weaver, yuo guys are famous. Well, sorta. :-)

  5. I did yesterday's WOD first, then tried to give the old right ankle a go at running tonight, but it didn't want to cooperate. So, just yesterday's WOD and will probably try to do elliptical for 3 miles or something like that tomorrow. Later fellas.


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