Monday, October 11, 2010

Tabata This

"Tabata This!"

Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".


  1. I'm gonna do this one tomorrow. Yesterday evening Chelle and I went on a date night, climbed Chimney Gulch on our mtn bikes, 1,500 foot gain. Got a lifetime PR! 58 minutes! Previous was 59:55. Someday the PR's will slow down as we get too old, but it's great when you get back to back PR's isn't it boys?

    I think I can do it faster too, I was pacing @ around HR 162. Man it kicks your butt (climbing up big mtns)... it's like doing a CF WOD for an hour. Today I am resting!

  2. I am resting my left arm,as I made it hurt very bad climbing the wall at my house on a dare, so I ran that nasty ass hill for a moster pr on sunday of 7:51. My watch said my average heartrate was 176 with a high of 182 and I burned 92 calories in that time. The watch is pretty fun to monitor the wods with.

    Tomorrow I am arm resting with a wod with

    Four rounds:

    Run 400m carrying 60lb sand bag
    15 GHD situps holding 60lb sand bag

    That should suck plenty.

  3. PR here.

    Row 8
    Squat 14
    Pullup 6 (fell apart trying to hold 8)
    Pushups 11 (damn near held 12, couldn't)
    Situps 13 (Pukey loometh)

    total 52. Nasty one. Viva La CrossFit!

    Time to go get certified in "Virtual Integrated System" and "Efficient Enterprise". Later dudebros.

  4. Craig, nice job boner.

    I'm almost done with therapy and I have the green light to start lifting lightly with the shoulder. It's feeling real good and I was able to do some pushups and light shoulder press.

    12 weeks later, I'm finally on my way back, not 100% but getting there.

    Later guys

  5. I'm calling this the pill cause my 65# duck taped sand bag looks like a giant hard to swollow evil pill.
    run 400m carrying the pill
    15 ghdsup holding pill across chest

    I am quite curious about the future consequences to my abdominal muslces from this work out.

  6. Did this one last night. I thought I was doing pretty good after the rows and squats, but forgot how much push-ups and pull-ups sucked. I especially forgot how push-ups suck the wind out of you quickly. I started out at 12 with a bit of time to spare, but was barely able to hold on to 8 by round 5.

    Row - 84 m (assumed 8 calories?)
    Squats - 16
    Push-ups - 8
    Pull-ups - 6
    Sit-ups - 10

    Total = 48

  7. I'm finally back from the road, I missed a couple of days. Had a paintball war w/ all my partners from work on Monday, holy crap I forgot how much it hurts to get shot from close range. I've got two wicked bruises on my left arm (got blindsided); next time don't fight in a t-shirt dope.

    Made up tabata today:

    Row 9
    Squats 12
    PU 6 - held 7 thru 6rds
    Pushups 8 - I tried like Mike to hold 12, then 10, then lost it
    SU 12

    Total 47

    I don't think I'd done this tabata before so there's my mark for next time. I think I'll do some snatch-balance practice tomorrow before making up the WB/MU WOD.


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