Friday, October 8, 2010

7x1 Squats


  1. I did some flag football stuff last night before going to the gym. So, I wasn't feeling quite up to the challenge of the kb snatch / PU workout.

    1RM - 365

    My knee popped last night, and it's sore as hell this morning. I don't think it's anything serious, but it doesn't feel good right now. Hopefully it loosens up throughout the day. Later fellas.

  2. Did you do front squats Mikey?

    I made up to 335x1 and then failed misrably at 365, jeez I wonder if that could have anything to do with the bazillion squats we did three days ago.

  3. Someday I'll figure out why it is I'm so poor at squats. Shouldn't squat and DL #s be similar? Mine aren't, DL 1RM ~375 vs BS 1RM ~250. I don't know. Oh well, it is what it is.

    FS 7x1

  4. Hey guys. No heavy for Fletcher. Ever.

    I made up the pullup ladder and got me a PR.
    15 rounds + 8 reps 128 total. PMFR.

    I was stoked about the PR, kipping hard in last round but got r done. Then without stopping the clock I kept right on going and did a burpee ladder.. first time doing that!

    13 rounds + 9 reps 100 burpees total. Now I am really whooped. Taking my little girl out, tonight is her birthday!

    Tomorrow afternoon Chelle and I have an epic mtn bike ride planned.

    Later boys.

    PS - Mikey. 365 FS? WHAT? That's as good as Rob freaking Orlando sir. Amazing. You have a strong buttocks and core. Sir!

  5. I did back squats. I can't read. So, Thanks Fletch for the nice comments about my buttocks, but it was all a hoax.

  6. Just did a few pushups with my wife (120) and Luci (40 lbs) on top of me. That was hard. Had to report that. Good day.


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