Friday, October 22, 2010

70 wall balls and 70 pullups

Seven rounds for time of:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Pull-ups


  1. I was going to skip CF today because it's Chelle's birthday and we are going on a serious mountain bike climb, but this fast little metcon couldn't be resisted.

    Normally when I do WB's I do them in my garage with a cieling height of 9 1/2 feet, but this morning I ran around to the side of the house and did them pure and RX'd, so there was a little travel time there but I don't think it mattered much, gave me some time to catch my breath.

    TT 8:35 fun one!

  2. Gotcha. But I did barbell thrusters, so not perfectly as rx'd or apples to apples.

    TT = 7:20

  3. Ran 10k cause traveling. Got a polar watch with footpod distance measuring device. It is eerily accurate. Measured exactly they same distance out and back and I had to stop and deal with the dog a couple of times. Tt=57:19

  4. Had to pop in to the blog and report that I got a massive PR today. I climbed Chimney Gulch (1640 feet of gain) in 53:07. Previous PR was 56:30 which was two weeks ago. I killed it! Felt messed up for a while after but feel good now after I ate some food. I've been riding that trail for ten years, and PR gentlemen. Eventually age will begin to slow us down, but that day is not today!

    Chas, you plan on getting a Dynamax ball for Christmas? :-) They rock!

  5. 7 Rounds for time of:
    10 Wall Balls, 20lbs
    10 Pull-ups

    Jacob 3:25

    Did a extra round on accident for a total of 88 reps of each.

    8 Rounds...3:56

    Will post the video tomorrow.

  6. Fletcher, I'd like to say I'm thinking about a Dynamax ball. However, being the analyst I am, I've decided not to, decisively definitively:

    1) I'm not a fan of running outside to do WBs when I can just do BB thr's in my basement gym. Also, I am very self conscious, and doing anything outside besides basic running would be a deal breaker.

    2) Holding a big ball and throwing it up against a wall would probably remind me of my high school basketball days. And by "high school basketball days" I mean the time I spent sitting on my ass on the bench even though my team sucked.

    3) I like continuing the fantasy that I'm actually beating you on time for WODs like yesterday's, when we both know that thrusters are, while just as hard, faster to do than WBs regardless of site.

    4) Based on the time Jacob just posted, the ROI on any money I spend on a Dynamax ball, in terms of beating someone on this blog, is basically 0% at best and more likely in the red.

    So to answer your question more explicitly, no. I don't plan on getting a Dynamax ball for Christmas. I plan on getting a blowjob. Fortunately, it's still only October, so I've got some time to work out the obvious kinks in that plan.

  7. Basketball, deflate it, fill it with sand, or concrete mix and rocks, then hot glue the hole shut with a patch... Wallball! For under 20 bucks!


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