Thursday, October 21, 2010



  1. 13:08 RX'd. fun WOD! Caught a couple of neighbors staring at me wondering WTF.

  2. Fletcher: Holy shit man! You beat Pat Sherwood by a full minute.

    WODoers: This was tough as shit sliding around on the gravel in the later rounds. With vest tt=18:20 and a pile of sweat.

  3. whoa whoa whoa... I did NOT wear the 20 lb vest. Crap. I will have to do this again!!!!!

  4. Way to go Fletcher... Nice.

    I wish I could say I've been WODing over the past month, but that's not the case. Tomorrow is the big day for my interview for Anesthesia school, so wish me luck and I hope it goes well.

    Anyways I did a double today and was pleased with the results.

    WOD #1
    Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1


    Not bad, Bwt. 167lbs today

    WOD #2

    5 rounds for time of:
    Bear crawl 100 feet
    Standing broad-jump, 100 feet
    *3 Burpess after earvy 5 jumps during the 100'

    Jacob 8:40 Rx'd (+20lb Vest)

    Posted the video of both on my blog... and yes it still exists.

    Sorry for not posting guys, I have been watching your hard work though.

    Keep crushing it everyone!

  5. Whoa dudes, what a crazy week we have had. The rogue vs Again faster comp was sick. Mikko and Spieller are animals, it motivated me to step it up around here. We had a ton of exposure for our gym. We have the lease signed and are moving in to our new spot. Crossfit Blizzard will be the name. Stay tuned for more info. Keep up the strong work dudes, and don't forget to take time and stretch, you guys have been hitting things so hard. Mikko said he needs to train at our gym before next years games because the elevation was real hard for him. haha we'll see about that. Keep up the hard work suckas
    Peace out

  6. Way to go Myles... Awesome Job on your business.

  7. I talked to Weaver last night and the report on the Tahoe Throwdown was amazing. Myles, think about what you guys are doing out there... look how far you've come in such a short time. It's amazing!! You guys are on the map big time!! Travis was telling me that Coach Glassman was asking you guys if you'd want to do an annual event. All the big shots being hosted by Ye! I love it.


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