Tuesday, October 5, 2010

10x2 Bench Press


  1. Got to this one after a long weekend of drinking and eating upside down donut cake. It's a pan with melted butter and brown sugar, filled with cake donuts, then cake batter poured in and baked, then a layer of filling with another upside down donut cake on top. Delicious, but man that was filling.

    Anyway, a good run a mile, row a 2k, run a mile was a good WOD to come back to. I then followed it up with Tuesday's WOD so that I can catch up tomorrow.

    Bench Press 2 x 10, minute in between sets

    185, 205, 205, 215, 215, 225, 225, 225x1, 205, 205

    Not exactly one minute inbetween, but pretty close. Later fellas.

  2. Food makes a difference Mikey. I am back to a weigh and measure zone for a little while to see what happens. I was zone friendly, but calorie high on protein and fat, and I was still making improvements with numbers, but I would like to see if I can't break out of my range and get into the the 185-190 pound range and maybe see an ab muscle some day.

    I did shoulder press for this cause I got no bench.


    Soooo close on the last one but my left arm would just not lock out.

  3. I suck at BP, pure & simple. I've definitely gotten stronger since I started CF, but that's compared to no lifting for the prior 10 years.

    Last time we had a BP WOD, I made a 1RM of 210 I think. So I targeted 85% of that.


  4. Did 225 the whole time. Also did 285lb clean and jerk this weekend. Mike your diet this weekend sounds awesome!


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