Monday, October 25, 2010

C and J and 1/2 Cindy


  1. I just did Cindy. Got me a PR!

    20 rounds + 5 pullups, 10 pushups

    Hoo-raw! Giant sweat puddles. My 4 year old came out in like minute 8 and just sat quietly and watched daddy... I was impressed that she didn't get cranky for attention, and I was glad there was no F bomb music going too.

  2. I did this with 185# for the clean and jerk. Which sucked by round 6. For pullups I did dead hangs with the turn out of the wrists like the games style muscle up on rings. Still working through left arm injury. TT=20:12

  3. Ouch. Those C&Js slow you down something fierce. I did 155# (full squat), which is about 80% of my 1RM.

    TT = 18:25

    Fletcher you're turning into a cardiorobot. All that mountain biking looks like it's paying off in spades.

  4. Got back from my wedding in Louisiana late last night, and have a presentation+report due tomorrow. So, of course I put off starting on the report to work out.

    TT - 22:41 at 165

    I initially tried 185 but knew that wasn't going to last 10 rounds.

    Chas, loved the "to buy or not to buy" breakdown. Good luck on the $20 bj.

  5. Chas I forgot to give kudos on your med ball analysis. That was some articulation right there my friend. I am pretty sore from Cindy... think I'll go do a core buster this morning, then rest tomorrow.

  6. ... and it has been done. Did this one a couple of months ago in 19:38 (I wrote it), today was 18:20, PR. Let's call it "forearm destroyer"

    3 rounds of
    30 K2E
    40 BE
    50 KBS 1 pood

    Rounds 5:09, 6:41, 6:30

    Wimpy round 2!! Need to get sub 18 next time.


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