Monday, October 4, 2010

Shit ton of Squats Shit ton of Rope Climbs


  1. I did front squats for the last round with 185# cause I didn't feel like doing math and I was too damn tired to jerk the weight and get it behind my head. OUCHY those front squats killed after all those back squats. I use my feet for the last foot of the last climb in rounds 3 and 4, otherwise no feet. TT= 29:15

    Glad I have learned to hold the rope with my feet, cause it is scary as fuck to be 15' in the air and achieve both positive and negative strength failure with your arms:)

  2. Nice Justin. I've got no rope, so I did squats as rx'd and then tuck pullups as a sub: 25-20-15-10-5.

    TT = 28:05

  3. Nice work animals. I got up at 6 and climbed Mt Falcon before work on my mtn bike despite a crappy nights sleep. TT 41:53 on the climb, PR for this season was 41:30 but the good news is, my average HR on this one was 6 bpm lower!

  4. Man, I miss my rope climbing. I did 180# low lat pulls for a sub in the reps that Chas did, but that was a shitty sub on my part.

    TT = 20:07

    Hopefully, I can find a better sub next time. Later fellas. Stats class and after class beer is calling.


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